Tuesday 20 December 2016

That essential ingredient : Desire

There's an absolute need for desire and passion and drive if you must succeed! That is one of the other lessons I learnt this year.  
Desire...that hunger, drive and passion for something can be really life changing. Sometimes, money isn't the problem. Lack of a definite purpose and a clear picture of what one wants to achieve can be really disturbing. I have seen several persons with the means to do, still complain about what they want to do. On closer examination, you see that money isn't the issue but a clear purpose of what the person wants is.  

With a desire, comes the drive to make something happen. The mind becomes restless as  the head starts to really move literally and the brain begins to work. This is the defining moment! The mind begins to address " the How ". The mind begins to think of a way to make it happen and to debunk everything that might seem like an obstacle. 

That real hunger pushes one to move. You begin to find the necessary pieces of information and begin to put bits and pieces together. It leads to a forward build up process kind of. With relevant pieces of information at your disposal, the chances of succeeding are not far fetched. Success is really close! 
Without the desire, you live everything to chance! The challenge becomes so huge. You probably freak out and every other thing like making a plan, getting the required pieces of information and generally making progress comes to a halt. This subsequently leads to failing and probably throwing in the towel.  Come 2017, you might want to add this to what you want to achieve. Desire just has to be in the mix alongside a plan and a will to do.

Come 2017, no excuses! Let there be that drive and a willing spirit and body to make things happen. Let's take action!

Wishing you a blissful year ahead.  

Signing out 


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