Thursday 27 October 2016

Making a real difference in someone's life

Making a real difference in someone's life can be fulfilling. It really is! It is like a fundamental of human existence. So, what stops us from actually helping another? Money is a right guess I suppose. You probably would have heard something like this "I don't have money, else I would helped. I'm so sorry  or so sorry, I don't have any money blah blah... Yes, money, money, money which can be a valid excuse and we have to find ways round this .

However, helping someone and making a real difference in someone's life doesn't necessarily involve money (at least at first). It must not be money in fact! Sometimes, listening to someone talk and understanding what's going on with the person can be life changing. What might seem so complicated at first might actually become easier with proper understanding and communication. Sometimes, people just need listening ears. Atimes, they need someone to actually help them plan and think it through. Sometimes, people need someone to cheer them up, encourage them and probably give them hope. Sometimes, what people need is a friend, a friend that really cares!  

Back to the money issue. Sometimes, all we need to actually help someone in need is a willing heart. I
heard a true life story that touched me a lot. So, this lady wants to learn a trade. She has the heart and the will but no money to take the next step. She had told several persons about it, but most just listened without any interest of helping. Finally, she told a friend. This particular friend didn't have the money but had the heart to help. The friend had to tell another person with the means and convinced the person to actually help out. Yes, help came finally! 
Now, that is making a real difference  in someone's life. Whenever the friend thinks of how she got to finally acquire her skill, her friend comes to mind. Again, making a real difference in people's life doesn't necessarily have to be money. A willing heart, a kind gesture or even a listening ear can make all the difference. 

Thank God is Friday! Remember to impact positively and make a real difference in someone's life today!   

Happy weekend 
Signing out 

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