Saturday 24 December 2016

Mind Your Speech

As I go out every morning, I pass through a wall with the words " mind your speech " boldly written on it. In fact, I look forward to seeing those words every morning. Those words act as a gentle reminder that our words really matter.
Crazy things happen everyday. Sometimes you might be at fault. At other times, the other person might be at fault. Sometimes, you might argue and fight , but in the midst of all that, remember to mind your speech. Remember to curb the words you use. This is because a word that has left your mouth, cannot be retrieved. It can't! It's a one way thing. You might try to apologise, but the word has already been said.
In the midst of arguments, you might hear derogatory words and demeaning sentences like;  you'll never amount to anything, I regret the day we met, you're a fool, I hate you and it will never be well with you. These words do not really sound nice. We should try and avoid them please. Our words rather should speak of positivity, comfort, encouragement, love, hope and even provide solutions.
Lastly, broken bones and bruises might heal but the words remain. They kind of have a lasting effect that might some how be internalised in people's heart. Come 2017, I would really love everyone to "mind their speech" . Watch your words . I like the way Bible puts it : My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry ( James 1:19 NIV) .

Have a great Christmas celebration and a fruitful new year in advance and remember to...Mind Your Speech.

Signing out

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