Wednesday 28 September 2016

What is love : my take on the subject matter

Undoubtedly, there are loads and loads of beautiful woman all over the world. Personally, I don't think that there's a thing as "the most beautiful woman in the world" . Every single lady / woman is in fact beautiful! Perhaps, the only difference is just in the level of available resources to obviously showcase the beauty *smiles*

Back to the matter - what is love? There is no general consensus as to what love is. From religious to secular settings, there are slight differences on what love is. Some have said love is beautiful, love is caring and gentle. The definition is endless! No matter how differing these definitions can be, there's no denying that the feeling that comes with love can be just awesome. It can be " mushy mushy " ( in my friends voice) *smiles*. Perhaps, this has made some people to say that love is wicked especially when they've been disappointed by a loved sad!

There's this unique thing about love and being in love with someone. The physical and emotional expressions sometimes might fail to fully express this. However, everyone is special and everyone has something that really motivates them. When you're in love with someone, may be the person has some kind of effect on you and it is from that effect that my definition will stem from.

These effects can vary. It can be excitement in your inner self. It can be some form of motivation that pushes you to stretch yourself. It can be just laughing so hard! It can be intellectual connectivity and imaginations. It can be anything really! However, If we take every other physical thing aside  ( beauty , accomplishment and money primarily) and smash them to the ground, what motivates you to keep hanging on, holding on, believing in that person and adoring that person is probably love.

That intrinsic "individualised" feeling that remains if every other thing falls apart is probably love. It is probably something real even though intangible that you can relate with and just can't get enough of. that's love * smiles *

But as I said, it's just my take on the subject. What do you think love is? Please share and let's all get a different perspective of what love is.

Have a lovely week ahead!
With Love

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