Tuesday 1 March 2016

It shall come to pass : encourage someone

It shall come to pass: encourage someone 

This one is to encourage everyone out there that is going through one hard time, challenge or the other. I want to say that: you are not alone and I have better news for you shall come to pass. When it comes, it shall pass. 

I guess you will all agree that " Life is not a bed of roses". As we go through life, we might experience several different things, both good and bad, and sometimes, we feel that we are alone in this and that the world might have forgotten us! Well, the good news: You are not alone and the better part is that: it shall come to pass.  

I like the way the Bible uses it, usually to usher in a declaration that may be from God or a prophet. Lately, I had this conversation with a friend and I got a different perspective of the phrase: it shall come to pass ( please, take a deep breathe and repeat the phrase twice: it shall come to pass x2). 

One of the most fascinating things about life is time. The way the time ticks away is sometimes amazing. Whether you are productive or not, sleeping or busy, playing or studying, and any other thing that you might be doing, the time just ticks away. If the time is 2 pm now for example, in the next one hour, it will be 3 pm. As simple as that may sound, it holds a great lesson for us all and that is; it shall come to pass. 

Look at it this way please: when it comes, it will pass. So, no matter the challenge you are going through right now or the hard times, remember that it shall come and then it shall pass * smiles *.

My suggestion is to always try and see that silver lining that may be hidden, learn from that experience, challenge, or whatsoever. Be realistic and also maintain a good positive attitude towards it. Hopefully, again, it shall come and when it comes, it shall pass!

Finally, I close with this: “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” – Steve Jobs

Please, let us remember to share this to encourage someone. Remember to subscribe to the blog and send in your stories too at mygpland@gmail.com. 

Welcome to March and from our story...your story, we want to wish all of you a wonderful new month.  

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