Wednesday 16 March 2016

African Proverbs Part 2 : Learning

Welcome to African Proverbs Part 2...yay!!!  In the first part, we looked at "WISDOM", and  one of the ways we acquire wisdom is through learning. So ,  we will be using African proverbs to talk about learning today...hmm!
Learning is such an important ingredient in life. Just think of it for a minute. From a tender age, we start the process of learning and progress to youths and even the  elderly. We learn words as children, reading and writing...everything, even bathing! Growing up, I remember always bathing only my belly as a kid...*smiles*. This was fun by the way...but now, I'm a man and I can bath properly * smiles *. So you see, learning is an essential ingredient and the way we are programmed as humans, it is almost non optional when it comes to learning.

Learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught. if you want to get better, you have to learn. The best part of learning is that you are never too old to learn, to acquire a new skill, to make that shift in your career, to try that stuff you have always wanted to do. Yes, there is absolutely no limit to your abilities to get better!

The first one is a Bugandan proverb that says "by trying often, the monkey learns to jump from the tree". I like this one! So, practice makes one get better. Consistency and commitment can make all the difference! You have tried it once but it didn't work out so well. How about giving it another shot? How about deciding to make those small adjustments that would allow you get better and achieve your aim. How about coming up with a plan to allow you make those gradual leaps to finally take you to where you want to be? Remember, by trying often the monkey mastered the act of jumping from tree to tree.

That's a cute baby by the way.  Sometimes, learning involves getting the basis right! You learn the alphabets first before the words, you learn simple addition and subtraction before progressing to simultaneous equations and so on. This is typified by this " By crawling a child learns to stand" ~ African proverb. Yes, please get the basis right ( if you must) and build on it to get better. You lay the foundation of the building and go on to build that sky scrapper you so desire. However, without a good foundation, the building might probably collapse. If it means taking some step backwards to get your basis right, please do! That sacrifice will eventually yield benefits. Do not feel you have gone too far to make that adjustment please. Remember, by crawling the child learns how to walk...from walking to running *smiles*.

Hmmm, now this one is very interesting..."If you close your eyes to facts, you will learn through accidents" ~ African proverb. Please, you do not want this to happen to you. In today's world, you cannot afford not to be informed. An uninformed person is literally deformed remember? Get out there, do your research, surf the net, listen to the news and so on. Listen to various programs of interest to enable you get your facts straight. Read books and even explore the social media for more information. You definitely don't want to learn through accidents trust me!

Finally, I close with this : “Think of yourself as a brand. You need to be remembered. What will they remember you for? What defines you? If you have it in you, do something that defines you. Invent something, develop a unique skill, get noticed for something — it creates a talking point.” ― Chris Arnold
There are  too many proverbs out there about learning ! Please, look up some of them ...yes, make Google, other search engines and other  resources your friend. There is always something new to learn remember? Please add some more proverbs about learning as you drop your comments. Share and subscribe to the blog please. Also, send in your stories at Have a great week ahead!

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