Sunday 7 February 2016

The lovely Chicken / fowl : lesson on the importance of physical fitness

The lovely Chicken / fowl : lesson on the importance of physical fitness

The other day, I visited an uncle who has a mini poultry in his house, and he gave me this lovely chicken to give to my mum. Ooh yes, I was excited! Super excited!! This chicken was indeed lovely! It is very fleshy , meaty and would sure feel good to eat *smiles*

The chicken can barely move. It is that big! So I probed a little bit more about this chicken and found out that the chicken eats a lot and is not involved in any physical activities as expected! But you know, that is good business for the poultry owners.

As I looked at the chicken , It dawned on me the importance of diet and physical fitness. I know a lot of people are so conscious about weight watch, but I just feel the need to write about it.

Weekends are a great time to relax for most people. The weekends can be filled with different activities ; weddings, child dedications, parties and even just catching up on family and friends . And yes, there's plenty of food to eat and drink most often. Consequently, this leads to an increase in weight with time.

A friend updated his BlackBerry status : feeling fabulous, lost 9 kg in two weeks.  In my usual inquisitive nature, I probed a little bit and I asked : how did you do it? He told me he ate less and walked more in the first week. In the second week, he went on an entirely fruit!  He ate mangoes and udaras (Abgalumo/ African star apple / White star apple / African cherry) . That's some ruthless pragmatism to losing weight I thought to myself. And yes, he admitted that it was a bit challenging!

Now you see, that didn't cost much. The best weight loss technique should be the one that you can do from the convenience of your home and doesn't involve a lot of money. Just like my friend, he didn't give the excuse of not having time to hit the gym ( like most of us are doing right now) . He looked around himself and selected easily accessible fruits to help him with the weight loss. He also adopted a technique that fits perfectly into his schedule and is very convenient for him. But most of all, he had the determination and the will to say : yes. I have to shed off some weight!

The importance of maintaining physical fitness ( and I don't mean developing six packs, big biceps and the likes,but if you can...why not? ) cannot be over emphasised. Again, physical activity/ exercise and diet are the key to maintaining physical fitness.  Remember, " make a smart change in your life and establish it as a strong habit FIRST, then move on to another change. And slowly, one change at a time, you will start to lead a MUCH healthier lifestyle" ( from
Finally, I close with this :  “When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot become manifest, strength cannot be exerted, wealth is useless, and reason is powerless.”  by  Herophiles

Remember to send in your stories @ and don't forget to drop your comments please. Have a great week ahead!

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