Wednesday 3 February 2016

Focusing on your circle of influence

There are so many uncertainties in life ranging from may be your present condition to what the future holds for you, and that sometimes can lead to worry. Unfortunately, quite a number of us have been caught up in this Web of worrying , and we just can't help but worry!

Focusing on your circle of influence means focusing on things that you have control over. The easiest example is your time. You decide when to sleep, bath, and so on, except otherwise. Things outside of this circle of influence fall into the circle of concern, things you don't have control over. A very simple but funny example especially in my home country Nigeria is internet services . The network fluctuates so much and sometimes you just don't understand what is wrong with it. We live in a world where almosty everything now runs online -- news, emails, applications, business transactions and so on. Personally, I love the internet and when it happens that I can't access it, especially when I really need it, it can be very annoying! But again, I have no control over it, the network provider does .

Let me share a personal story: after my national youth service ( a one year scheme that is supposed to equip graduates with employability skills and teach graduates the value of diversity, as Nigeria is quite a diverse place ) in Nigeria, I really wanted to create something. I wanted to do something that can impact my society. I came up with brilliant ideas, wrote my business plan, collaborated with like minded people to make it a reality. I even wrote proposals and submitted  to different potential clients seeking for a platform and funds to make the idea a reality. But all to no avail ( for now) .

That experience was so sad because I have the drive , the desire and the personality to pull it off. I really wanted and needed physical cash to make everything gell. I needed the cash to unite every other component of my work and the team I had assembled. It was very disappointing. I didn't have the cash and all attempts to secure funding failed! Wow...what an experience. I didn't give up though...Ooh we will continue this part another day. Back to circle of influence...So yes, I didn't have influence over the finance.
Weeks past and I kept coming up with various great ideas that all required money that I didn't have( but I did well to note them down, and to start them up in the near future) .

So I kept thinking...what will I do that won't cost me much? What can I can do with the resources I have with me and yes, I had quite a lot-- a great family, few great friends , my phone, oh yes, my phone, internet subscription , my book collections, etc...and yes, a great supportive, understanding girl friend( story for another day *smiles*) . So here I am, writing my story and creating a blog to share our stories. Yes our and you! Each and every one of us have something inspiring about us.

You might not have done something very significant to earn you a TedTalk, but you have something inspiring. That's why I have created this you and I can share our various inspiring stories. It can be anything...hobby, work, family, education, business, your trial times, your personal victories, your journey so far, your experiences, a book ( that you read) , about a friend,  anything worth sharing and inspiring basically.
Remember, focusing on your circle of influence can be all that you need to do right now. It can be the game changer! Every human is born a complete package and you have something really unique about you. You just need to discover it. That's it!

Finally, I close with this : know your strengths and use them wisely . A man can be worth a thousand soldiers ( from Game of Thrones ). Remember to send in your stories @ Privacy policies apply and you can be 100% anonymous if you chose to. Also remember to connect with our blog...yes, our blog, me and you remember? And let's get our stories out there to inspire  someone. Your story. My story. Our story . It can be all that someone needs to give them that extra push... Let's do this!


  1. Hopefully, you too will send in your stories to inspire others.

  2. great work Dickson and congratulations on starting your blog. Just focus on things you can control and things will work out fine very soon.

  3. Thanks Kenny! @ Okwu, yes...focusing on the circle of influence.

  4. I'm inspired by your story Gpland. The importance of finance cannot be over-estimated. However, keep believing and never give-up on your ideas.

  5. Keep it up bro..... Inspiring, this is igniting my passion to write.....

  6. Thanks Adoma. Ademola, please go for it! Please remember to send in your stories to inspire others. Many thanks
