Wednesday 20 May 2020

The real value of money

Money has become such an important aspect of our everyday existence. Round the clock, people all over the world are engaged in various kinds of work in order to get money. Subsequently, this money would be used to provide basic needs of life to get by or can be invested to get ahead.

Overtime, the value of money has often been weighed by the measure of what it can buy i.e , it's purchasing power. However, I'll like to take a slightly different approach and explore the value of money from how it is got instead. This might give a new perspective to the value of money and might help improve how we spend money, invest it or even help improve how some people perceive gifts, especially when viewing such on a percentage basis taking into congnizance how much hard work was put in to getting that money.

Some weeks ago, I was privileged to visit a site where some construction work was on going. It was such a wonderful experience. The work men had to work so hard for their wages. Each mason man had to lay 120 blocks for about N3500. While , their respective laborers had to carry the 120 blocks to their individual mason man , measure out the required quantities of sand  to be mixed with the cement,  fetch the water that would be used for the mixing ,and finally carrying  the mortar to their respective mason for about N2000 or less ( depending on the negotiations). Sometimes, laying that amount of blocks can span for a period of over 5 hours. If the sun is intense on the day, the workers would feel the total effect of the heat from the sun while working. Indeed, the money made by these men isn't in any way easy. 

Have you ever seen those guys selling sachet water (popularly called pure water) or bottled water on the roads? Have you noticed how much distance they run to sell the water on the roads? These water sellers have to get up early to secure the water and get ready for the rush hours where sales are at its peak. Some of these sellers usually begin the day with just N200, which is equivalent to two bags of water or even N100 for a bag of sachet water. Usually, with every bag sold, the money is doubled. You see, these sellers have to work so hard, run so hard and take the risks of been hit by a vehicle, just to make a profit of N100. 

Understanding the process and the effort some people actually invest in making money can actually improve our own valuation of money . Understanding that some amongst us work so hard for just so little can change our view of money . Now, this here is the real  value of money ! 
I am guessing you might be familiar with other people around your neighborhood that might have to work so hard for so little. Please, feel free to add to the list of workers who work so hard for so little. They are the real deal! 

This write up is dedicated to all the people out there that work so hard to make ends meet. To all the people that work so hard just to get by. To all the hard workers that hustle even under the scorching heat of the sun to feed. You are the real gem! You are not alone!

Well done guys
I salute!


The House_House_of _GP