Monday 31 December 2018

As We Go

As we journey through life, we face different challenges. For some, we come out smiling and others, not so much smiles. Well, that’s the beauty of life in itself. Although,  we want to win every time, we might end up winning some and at other times, losing. For some, the loss can be so devastating. However, we cannot undo what has already happened. We can only draw strength and lessons from the previous and forge ahead, but this time, with more tact and courage.

''all our dreams can come through if we have the courage to pursue them'' ¬¬Walt Disney

As we enter into 2019 and beyond, it is always good to carry out personal reflection and evaluation of everything that has happened. Remember , only you can truly tell what happened. So, I urge you to be honest during this practice. The worst thing you can do to yourself is self-deceit. Practice personal evaluation and reflection in all honesty, taking notes of the great things you accomplished (no matter how small that might seem) and the not so great things. Look out for what went wrong and how you can improve on it next time.

''Introspection is the opposite of self-rejection. The loving gaze we grant ourselves will free us and lift everyone. It can be painful sometimes, though, when we start looking within for creative solutions to our problems. Shining the light on the disowned parts of our shadow is not easy, but there are no short cuts to any place worth going''¬¬Anonymous

As we go forward, I urge everyone to plan adequately. Have a clear sense of purpose. In doing this, it is important to make notes. Carefully transferring your thoughts into words can make all the difference. It can help you concentrate, channel your energy and properly streamline your actions to achieve your goals. Remember to always start with WHY: the reason behind everything you want to achieve. Once you figure out the WHY, go ahead with your plans and be courageous enough to execute all that you have planned.

''By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail'' ¬¬ Benjamin Franklin

As we go forward, let us be responsible. There is no one that can pilot the affairs of your life like you can. Take charge of your life. Be responsible for your health. Eat well and exercise. Be fit! If you want happiness, be nice to the people around you and to yourself. Remember to love your neighbour as you love yourself. Be honest and sincere in your relationships. Again, ''When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us''¬¬ Helen Keller

You can dream again this 2019. Learn a new skill. Improve on yourself and your skill sets. Travel on vacation. Meet new people. Be happy. You are solely responsible for your life.

''You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself ''¬¬Jim Rohn

As we go forward, be original. Do not be fooled by social media trends. Be original . Be true to yourself. Work within your budget. Avoid any form of financial pressures. Again, be original!
Remember, '' Real transformation requires real honesty. If you want to move forward, get real with yourself ''¬¬Bryant Mcgill

Hey, happy 2019. Have a blessed fulfilled year ahead . 

Love you

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