Thursday 25 August 2016

The Mysterious Perfect Lady

Intellectual connectivity for me  is super romantic. When we talk, it's just wow! Imagine trying  to get a particular radio station. When you finally do, the sound is clear and it feels just perfect! That's exactly how I feel when our intellects are rhythmic and match up, in sync or even complementary! It's super cool!  

I love intelligent conversations *smiles *. We talk of the future with a  positive attitude , businesses with bright ideas coming almost by the second. I mean brilliant beautiful ideas that can make anyone marvel. We talk of a life together, starting small but having the big picture in mind. We talk of practical steps to make these things happen. Things we can do make it happen, I mean practical things to do! Men, this makes me light up!

We believe in ourselves. We believe we are great people and we can achieve our dreams. We support each other to push ourselves just a little bit more. This is just too romantic please!  May be, I have already found her or is it just pure fantasy? Still wondering though. She speaks to my soul, my mind and makes me reason. There's an accompanying joy that comes with all of these of course! This is just too romantic please!  

I would like to be happily married with children. But marriage for me shouldn't be about just having children, having someone manage your home and the very cliché expectations. No doubt, those things and expectations are good . After all, we all want to be loved and cared for. However, I know that there's a higher purpose for marriage.There is! Finding this higher purpose can be revolutionary. Again, it's just me in my fantasy world.

Well, let's raise the bar especially for ourselves. Let's keep an open mind. Never forget to dream and push,   keep pushing to make your dreams come true!

Have a great week ahead!

With love

1 comment:

  1. The need for you to attract the real beauty in her of key essence.
