Wednesday 6 April 2016

Sexual Education Part 1: Unwanted Pregnancy, The Onus Is On Us

Oboy, I don't know if people have become too active * winks * (if you know what I mean). The rate at which I see pregnant women these days is scary! May be, it's a great thing for the married people . However, what is more scary is the rate at which teenage pregnancy is occurring these days. It constantly leaves me speechless and I just can't justify it! This leaves me with some questions : what is the role of the parents and the home in this ?  What is society turning into? So, today's topic will duel on Sexual education and I must say that the onus is on us to get the job done! We, as parents, family members ( may be) , aunts, uncles, brothers, it, the onus is on us to get the job done!

First, I would like to point out that when we discuss sexual education, some people forget that it is not only for the "girl child" but for the male child as well. It takes the male and female to mate and the rest is history like they say * smiles *. Yes, the girl carries the pregnancy if it gets to that and bears the pains that might come with pregnancy. The boy child, possibly might suffer some shock and psychological trauma ( just may be,  the girl inclusive) . So, I encourage parents to take a holistic approach to the matter of sex education please. How about possible sicknesses that might occur to both the male and female child. So you see, no one is left out...let's protect the lives and future of our children please! Let's do this!

In traditional African society, sexual education might have been perceived as a taboo and parents often shy away from it. Traditional African parents do not feel comfortable talking about sex and educating their children on the subject. For example, in Nigeria, we hear things like ; if a man touches you ( talking to the girl now) you'll get pregnant ( yea...put your hands up if you've ever heard that) . Someone once told me of how she watched the TV and saw people she asked her mum about kissing...but her mum cunningly did not answer her. You can't fool the child forever * smiles *

Moving on...ooh this next one...bless me! Some of us in this part of the world are very religious! Yes and sometimes, some people tend to replace common sense with religion and just cover up the matter...yes, sexual education with religion. You hear something like this from parents to children : do not have sex...because the bible is against it for example ( which is absolutely correct!). I know parents want the best for their children, but Just may be, if parents  combine spirituality with science and education in this matter...I think the child will understand better and appreciate it for future days to come.  And please, I am not in any way encouraging sex but merely pointing out that these methods might not be effective for sexual education.

I once heard a lady say that the first time she saw her period she was confused and didn't know what was happening. Now, this is not supposed to be so! How can your child trust his/her friend or an aunt / uncle when it comes to talking about sex or the opposite sex? There is a fundamental problem in the relationship if that is true and that needs to be addressed! First, aside from been a parent, you're also a friend ( a bestie in fact) and a confidant! Common...Your child should be bold to discuss even sensitive matters with you. Although, this might be challenging, but we should at least try and become better parents that we would be proud of ( myself inclusive...of course I'm a the future * smiles *) .

I read a statement "...hope for the best and plan for the worst ". For parents that are very strict on the case scenario is probably ..." Do not have sex until you are married ". I can deduce that the worst case scenario is probably ..." have sex and get pregnant for girls ( get someone pregnant for boys) ". So, parents need to plan for the worst I guess and take proactive measures to combat the challenge. So, let's look at the various scenarios that could happen ;  in case the child wants to have sex...just in case,
use a condom? Why use a condom? And consequences of not using a condom.
 Is there any medication that can be taken in case the child doesn't use a condom?
  If the girl is pregnant, give birth to the child? If you want the child to be born, are there any  possible effects of this...on education,learning a trade, skill acquisition, health, psychology? Is this the right thing to do?
 Is there something that can be done to the pregnancy?  If you opt for an abortion, what can be done? How and where can it be done? Is it legal in your country?
So many scenarios can be deduced. Remember, that if as parents you don't educate your children about sexual education, they might learn it from outside and that might not end up well. Let us step up and get the job done at home because the responsibility is on us! The onus is on us!

Please look forward to the  subsequent series on this subject and the beautiful real life stories that I have excluded on purpose for this first part. Remember, to send in your stories @ Please share and subscribe to the blog.  Have a great week ahead!

Dedicated to parents and all future parent out there ( myself inclusive)

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