Wednesday 15 April 2020

Patterns: Nitty -Gritty Blabs in Relationship

You know how you just feel and are quite confident that this person likes you? That was how I felt towards her until I stopped seeing her for a long time. Recently, when we met, I was so excited and we talked for a bit before running along. However, we exchanged numbers and everyone was happy. Immediately I got home , I decided to call to know what's been happening with her and probably just talk a bit about nothing *smiles* . However, the first question I got from her was: are you working? Damn! In my mind, I couldn't just make sense of such a straight forward question. Well, I guess, that's how she rolls.

Back to the matter ...
The other day, I was chatting with a friend and we delved into relationship talks. He told me that he has met quite a number of ladies. But, one of them really stands out. Physical beauty and all of those superficial things aside, he said this particular lady talks to him and listens to him like no other person does. He enjoys the manner she talks to him. He went on to say that even when he's angry and so vexed , the way she talks to him and listens to him just helps to calm him down and makes him realize that he can be better . For that singular reason, he would choose her over every other lady he has met. Woooo, I didn’t see that coming!

Also, I remember someone telling me that he loves the way this particular lady loves him. He said: she loves me in a very special way and when I think of the way she loves me, I am just so happy and feel so blessed. For that, he said, he would choose her over every other lady he has met.
Well, the choice of who one goes out with or chooses to marry can come down to the very little things we unconsciously display/reveal. It might come down to the various characters and behaviors we portray every day, even unconsciously.  I call them ‘’patterns’’.

I like to think that the pattern captures both the personality and character an individual possesses as the character and personality can sometimes be very different. As Betty Russell (2016) puts it: ‘’Personality is not a predictor of character. We all know people with good character and delightful personalities, but if you are like me, you also know folks who may be fun at a party, but if you need someone to have your back ... they are not the ones you call. And then there's the really good person you know you should want to date, but--eh--there's no spark. That person of good character maybe has a not-so-great personality’’

My advice: In your search for a partner, pay more attention to the patterns the person displays. The pattern actually reveals the character and personality, and probably their true nature in more ways than you know. As Fitzgerald Scott puts it in his book, The Great Gatsby, ‘’Personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures’’.  Remember to always follow the ‘’ patterns’’.
Ooh, before I sign out, let me drop this here ...

You can be everything and more the person wants, but, if the person doesn't really like you, it won't matter. On the flip side, the person might just like you for no serious reason. Though, you might try to make sense of it, you just can’t! He/ she loves you the way you are. Well, in any case, just be the best person you can ever be and take it one day at a time.

The House _of_GP