Friday 22 July 2016

Is English Your First Language?  

Is English Your First Language?  

I hate to say this, but anytime I see this question when filling out an online form, I get vexed ( at least to some extent) and if my guess is right, I'm not alone feeling that way. So, cheer up because you're not alone!
Nigeria has several different local languages, which one might refer to as the first language and pidgin which is widely spoken, especially in informal settings. However, for official occasions like schools and offices, English language is spoken. As a result, English language is the Lingua Franca of Nigeria.
I am very fluent in Pidgin English and my local language but I have known and communicated in English all my life. From pre-nursery through primary school, secondary and university education, I have always been taught in English and communicated in same. Sometime ago, a friend of mine asked a question on Facebook : " what language do you think in?" I thought about this for a while and I came up with my answer : I think in English and even my subconscious (including dreams) thinks in English...lolzz. Now, I can say that English is my first language...woohoo!!!
While I was an undergraduate in the UK, I had the opportunity to work with indigenous English speakers of all ages and on several occasions, I had to explain the meaning of different English words to them. This clearly verifies that coming from a country where English is a native language is very different from knowing English for academic purposes and the latter to me is more superior.
Back to the question : Is English your native Language? The way I think of this is: when I go to a remote village or even when I go to buy something from the market, what language will I use to communicate to the seller or a villager, so that communication is achieved? In that respect, English clearly isn't my first language. However, by training one can gain mastery of English language and can demonstrate a high level of competency in English language.This,I suppose is the case for most people in Nigeria and probably other African countries in which English Language is the Lingua Franca.
If I have been educated in English all my life and have demonstrated a high level of competency in English and even schooled in the UK for some years where I clearly was taught and assessed in English, then I guess it is almost  pointless asking this. Especially with schools that require English tests like IELTS and TOEFL,I suggest the list of exceptions have to be addressed to include several exemptions including non-native speakers who have shown a high level of proficiency  in English like most of my Nigerian people. Additionally, writing these English language tests can be relatively expensive.Just maybe, making these tests compulsory for non-native speakers is just good business, just maybe! It probably is a way of screening out some people who would be reluctant to go take an English test or who can't even afford it, despite having demonstrated a high level of competency in English language. Again, the list of exceptions has to be reviewed to include several parties.
Okay...moving on! What annoys me the most is when filling out a form for an opportunity for Nigerians and from Nigeria, and I see this question. This baffles me! You already know English is the official language and we have demonstrated our English capacity via English in WASSCE ( which you will agree with me is quite an English examination). Again, this needs to be addressed.
The challenge most times is probably reluctance ( or laziness) on the part of organisations to look into this matter, especially with the online system, where the computer automatically screens out candidates (according to set criteria).
Organisation should really up their game to give everyone a fair chance and not to screen out qualified candidates just because of some English tests. So, Is English your first language? Now, I'm really worried because I'm not sure what this question is addressing. Does it want to find out if I come from a country where even people from remote villages speak English? Does it want to find out if I'm fluent in the language? If it is the latter, then the need for English tests like IELTS and TOEFL as a requirement has to be addressed. Finally, using English language as a prerequisite should be treated individually and each candidate should be assessed based on what they have already acquired.

Dedicated to all those who have demonstrated great competence in English language and are still asked ; Is English my first language? Personally, the answer is both YES and NO. No, because I am not from a Native English speaking country. Yes, because I am fluent in English and I think in English ( even my subconscious does!). Please, cut us some slack and don't base judgments on some random lazy tests.

Signing out

May Be, Just May Be

 May Be, Just May Be

There we were sitting down and chilling, and just chatting away especially about the exciting games so from the Euros. It felt really great as we bonded especially after a long time. Then, we moved to the nitty-gritty as we talked about life, present plans and future as part of catching up. He told me how he has made progress with his education after so many attempts ( courtesy of JAMB ** only Nigerians would really understand this part **smiles **). How the support from family has been so inspiring and everything was finally falling in place. So I said "I am so happy that everything is working out finally !". 
But then, I asked " don't you think that this time is perhaps the best time for all this to be happening especially with school ?" So, he paused and thought about it for a while. Then he said " yes, this is the best time actually ". He then went further to tell me of how reckless he was some years ago and if schooling had worked out then, may be, just may be, he would have wasted that opportunity and might be struggling now just to graduate. He then acknowledged that he is generally a better person now. He said "my head is now on the ground and I have given up so many crazy lifestyles. I now know what I want and have really simplified my life, doing away with those things that weren't contributing positively to leading a better life. I even had to buy a change of course form as I reflected on my interests, strengths and weaknesses." Wow...I was amazed and still in total shock! But I was really happy that he had reflected over his life and had taken the right steps to get on track. 
Well, sometimes things actually happen for a reason. May be, just may be, if things go that smoothly as anticipated, the end might not be fun?? May be, just may be, you are still struggling because you haven't made the necessary adjustments required for the next phase ?? May be, just may be, the present situation is meant for you to learn and prepare for what is ahead?? May be, just may be , you aren't yet ready for the next phase and would flop if you make that sudden leap without first adjusting?? May be, just may be, it isn't just the right time for what we want to happen?? Just may be, we need to actually reflect upon the pieces of our lives and see if there's a lesson or two to be learned ? May be, Just may be! 

Have a great weekend ahead!!!

Signing out,